Sunday, March 11, 2012

A Good Day to Ride...

Today was a good day for a ride.  Today was a day that the Black and Orange looked good on the road!!!

People often ask what makes us unique as a team.   In a lot of ways, we are very similar to other teams, and in others, we are so different.  We ride bikes, we run, we swim, we train... just like every other team.  But we also have fun, urge each other to be better, learn from each other, and encourage everyone, no matter what level they are at to just give it a try, whether its swimming, riding or running.  People ask, why black and orange?  Why not, we reply....  It makes us unique in a sea of blue, red, green and "pro" white kits, we have maintained our original colors for over a decade!  Every time you put on that Black and Orange, you swim a little faster, ride a little stronger, run a little faster, feel a bit lighter, a bit trimmer, a bit smarter, and maybe even a bit funnier.  Heck, you might even be a better dancer in Black and Orange!  It makes you feel like you are part of something bigger.  Comp Racing will never be a national team, and we never planned for it to be one when we started in over 10 years ago.  We are a local team, putting our skills to good use raising over $60,000 in charity dollars last season and having fun while doing it!  So the next time, someone asks, what is Comprehensive Racing all about?  We are a team, a group of friends uniting for one common cause, to better the lives of ourselves, live up to our athletic potential and to invite more people to learn about the Black and Orange. Everyday when we get out in the Black and Orange, it's a special day where for a little while, all the cares of the world are replaced with friends, good times and encouragement.

Today was one of those days, a good day to ride in the Black and Orange...

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that really is Comp in a nut shell. Well done Captain. Make you want to get out and do it all, with fun.
